Tuesday, October 7, 2014

You've got a friend: Who I lean on

I love this song, released in 1971, the year I was born. My mom played the record all the time and to this day I think I could sing all of the songs from the Tapestry album. Tonight I played the YouTube video and was both transported and transfixed at the same time. How can a song as old as I am be relevant to my life today? The technology of the time was the telephone and was the only way to reach out and call a friend.

In 2014, we have so many ways to reach out- email, text, phone, Twitter, Google Hangout, Skype, and more. Connecting is easy, and yet it's easy to feel alone. I love my job as a school administrator, but there are days and weeks when I feel overwhelmed, under-appreciated, ineffective, and alone, even while spending my days surrounded by passionate teachers and smiling kids. Even when I'm struggling, I put on a smile and try to sparkle the best I can.

Some days it's harder than others. This week, we had a sub shortage for two days. I ended up teaching a half day of 4th grade yesterday and a half day of TK today so that our teachers could attend a long-planned PD. I loved every minute with the kids, but I also couldn't stop thinking about my to-do list that I just can't seem to conquer lately. 

Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm not cut out for this.

Then, today, I had about 10 minutes before I picked up the 5-year-olds from lunch and I checked into my Voxer group, a group of school leaders from all over who chat pretty much every day about leader-ish things- challenges, highlights, inspirational video links, and a few shout outs to the San Francisco Giants. All I did was listen.

Eric Saibel, someone I have never met in person, saved me today. Hearing his voice and the things he was saying made me feel less alone. One by one others chimed in and shared their day, their thoughts and struggles.

I didn't even have to reach out. This walkie-talkie app connects us in a way I never expected.

I'm blown away.

You've got a friend. Winter, spring, summer or fall. All you have to do is call.

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