Sunday, October 5, 2014

#savmp or Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

It's kind of like this...

image credit Urban Dictionary

I'm convinced that six degrees of Kevin Bacon is real-- not that I'm connected to Kevin Bacon in any way other than my love for Footloose, but I think the idea that any one of us can be connected to something big in or as Wikipedia states, "any two people on Earth are six or fewer acquaintance links apart,"  is true. And I can prove it! 

Let's take #SAVMP for example. I'm totally excited to be participating in the School Administrator Virtual Mentor Program this year! If you aren't familiar with it, here's a little info from the #SAVMP blog:

This year, I'm excited to be mentored by Jessica Johnson, an amazing principal who I have been inspired by for a long time! This connection to #SAVMP and Jessica can be traced in less than six steps!

Here are my six degrees of Kevin Bacon:

Summer 2012 I met Joe and learned about Google Apps 

Summer 2012 I also discover The Book Whisperer who says,
"Get on Twitter! Best PD ever! You can do it in your PJ's!"

So I get on Twitter and my life changes. I discover amazing blogs!
Could I blog? Maybe!

Linda Yollis inspires me to start a classroom blog in 2012. In 2013,
after getting a new job as an adminstrator, I start my own blog--
following and being inspired by other principal bloggers,
including Jessica  Johnson.

And Adam Welcome, who rocks! After reading about his school,
 I visited his school in Martinez, CA and we've been connected ever since!
Adam suggested #SAVMP to me about a month ago.

October 2014-- I'm accepted to #SAVMP and am totally
stoked to be mentored by Jessica Johnson- the inspiration
for my staff blog and the book doors all around our school!

So there you have it! 

Six degrees of Kevin Bacon.
Let the dancing begin!


  1. Love the connection with you Jenn and K. Bacon, such a great analogy! So lucky/happy to know you, visit to Natomas Charter soon!
